
Advantage Player Las Vegas


Advantage Plays

First of all, this is NOT a 'get rich quick' scheme. It's also not a 'gambling system' like you see advertised for sale all over. I'm not selling this information, I'm giving it away.

Hawaiian Airlines (Hawaiian: Hui Mokulele ʻo Hawaiʻi) is the flag carrier and the largest airline in the U.S. State of Hawaii.It is the tenth-largest commercial airline in the US, and is based at Honolulu, Hawaii. The airline operates its main hub at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport on the island of Oʻahu and a secondary hub out of Kahului Airport on the island of Maui.

I picked up this information over the years in books (I've read a lot of them), online, and through word-of-mouth. As you might expect, I'm giving you the short version, a summary.

There are times in many casinos where the player has an advantage, provided you know how to play them properly. I'll separate this into 'Advantage Situations' and 'Advantage Games'.

Player Advantage Situations

A time when the player has an advantage, sometimes only for one bet. The specific game being played is often of no consequence.

  • Vegas Values Report - Best Vegas Values Casino Promotions 2020! See the best Las Vegas casino promotions and the best values in Las Vegas. What is a Vegas Value offer? Vegas values are bonuses and rewards you get from the casino. If you're a follower of AmericanCasinoGuide.com, you know that we're big believers in casino rewards.
  • Bookmaker B has the Jets as just a 2-point favorite. The advantage player may bet the Bills +4 with Book A and then the Jets -2 with Book B. If the Jets win by 3, the advantage player collects on both bets. If the Jets win by either 2 or 4, the advantage player collects on one winning bet and the other 'push.'
  • America’s playground welcomes more big-name resident entertainers, restaurants and player-friendly promotions By Steve Kieva It looks like the newest trend among Las Vegas resorts is getting a big-name entertainer to sign a contract to appear for a specified number of days per year.
  1. Freerolls, Free Tournaments, etc. Any time a casino offers you a chance at winning something with no entry fee that's a good wager to take. It doesn't matter if it's slots, blackjack, or even Keno. If you pay zero entry fee, and there's a chance at a prize it may be worth checking it out.
    This is also sometimes true of tournaments with an entry fee, if the prize pool paid out is equal to the sum of all the entry fees, or when enough value is added from meals, drinks, room, etc.
    One exception may be if you really hate playing the game in question and would get no fun from it, even with an advantage.
    Another exception is if your advantage is so small, or your probability of winning so remote, that you would do better at an advantage game that you normally play.

  2. Crap table. If you don't play Craps, you might want to skip over this. Also, note that this may not be allowed in all casinos.
    So, you're playing craps, and someone is betting the dark side. You notice they are calling bets off when the roll is a 6 or an 8. They are giving up a 6 to 5 advantage! It's one of the dumbest things a person can do in a casino, but if they want to do it you can profit from it.
    Say that person is betting a green chip on the Don't. What you want to do is buy that bet from them when the roll is a 6 or 8. That way YOU now have a 6 to 5 (1.2 to 1) advantage over the casino! Here's how you do it...
    Say to them, 'Hey buddy, I've noticed that you call off the 6 and 8. The horoscope for today said those were MY lucky numbers. Next time you have a 6 or 8, do you mind if I buy that bet from you?'. They'll almost always agree, cause all they want is their green chip back. They don't care if it comes from you or the casino. And you've got yourself a great bet! When the 7 rolls you win!
  3. Bonus Chips. These are non-negotiable chips that you obtain from the casino as an incentive to play. Usually they are for first time players club members. One well known promotion of this type is at the Sahara on the Las Vegas Strip. As a new players club member you get a 'Fun Book' that has a coupon inside for $50 in non-negotiable chips for $40. So have a 5/4 advantage over the casino on even money bets. I'd take them to the crap table, and put the whole $50 on the pass line! You might also visit the Roulette wheel and put it on Black. If you prefer, bet $10 at a time in stead of the whole $50.
  4. Free Play. Similar to #3, but in this case the casino has sent you a promotional mailing, offering you free slot play. Depending on your level of play you might receive $5 to $500+. Typically we get between $10 and $200 ourselves. While you're playing on their money you have an advantage.
  5. Match Play Coupons. Just like bonus chips and free play, match play coupons are free money from the casino. The catch is that you have to play it along with your own money before you can walk out with it. There are many sources for these coupons. Casino 'fun books' given out at the slot club, the American Casino Guide, Las Vegas Advisor, and others. Most are $5 to $25 and may be used on even money bets only.
    Imagine that you place a $10 bet at Blackjack, then you put a Match Play coupon down with it. You now have a $20 bet! If you win that hand they're going to pay you $20. So in effect you're betting $10 to win $20, and I'd do that all day long if they'd let me!

How long does your advantage last? Regarding items 3 through 5, some people would argue that you have an advantage (mathematically) for a specific period of time, often many hours. This is based on the long term statistical payback for the machine (or table game) that you're playing. The topic requires a very long discussion, so I'll only mention it here and let you do your own research.
The proponents say that your advantage starts with the first play, and extends even after you lose the casino's money, until you have played long enough for your theoretical loss to equal the amount of the free play. Although the math seems to work, I believe that it's dangerous to think of things in this way, especially if it causes you to exceed your normal level of play (i.e. exceed your loss limit).

Player Advantage Games

Advantage Player Las Vegas

The last section talked about specific times when you have the advantage over the casino, if only for one bet. In this section, we're talking about having a long term advantage over the casino. Often, this is a slight advantage, but a slight advantage is all that it takes over the long run.

  1. Video Poker. When you consider the amount of advantage possible, and the effort required to exploit it, the most logical choice for an advantage game is Video Poker.
    Video poker is a unique game, because you can tell exactly what the programmed payout is by simply reading and interpreting the machine's paytable. For example, a Full Pay Deuces Wild (FPDW) machine has a long term payout of 100.7% with basic strategy play. Perfect strategy gets you another .07% making it a 100.77% machine. Add comps, cashback, and freeplay to this, and you're looking at a substantial advantage play.
    But wait a minute you say, a 100.7% payback sounds too good to be true. How can the casino stay in business and pay out like that? Good thinking on your part, but consider this; the vast majority of gamblers don't play anywhere close to correct strategy. Played incorrectly, a FPDW machine is probably worse than playing Wheel of Fortune!
    What does it take to do well at Video Poker? Three things, knowledge, practice, and patience. You have to know the pay back schedules, you have to practice basic strategy play, and you have to be patient to see the results in the long run. You don't need special aptitude, you don't have to do math, and you don't have to cheat. It's just a matter of memorizing strategy and doing it.
    Many books have been written on this subject. There's also lots of information on the web, and several good training programs for your computer. You can also buy, or print out, strategy cards that tell you exactly how to play any hand. You can carry these strategy cards with you to the casino, and refer to them when playing.
  2. Live Poker. This is not actually gambling, poker is a game of skill. Playing live poker, you're not competing against the casino, but against the other players. Texas Hold'em has exploded in popularity and there are a lot of weak players in every poker room in the country. If you're a good player, you can really clean up. However, becoming a good player isn't as easy as you may think, and some people just don't have the aptitude for it. So even though this IS a potential money maker, it doesn't qualify as an 'advantage play' for the average person.
  3. Blackjack. Most everyone has heard about card counting. Many casinos have blackjack games with conditions that create an advantage for a good card counter. Counting accurately can give you an advantage up to 1.5% (equivalent to 101.5% payback). Some expert counters, against a single deck game with the right conditions, can get a 2% advantage. On the other hand, the typical advantage that normal, accurate counters enjoy on a multi-deck game is less than 1%.
    Learning to count blackjack is difficult. It requires aptitude, dedication, and concentration. Then, after you learn to count, you need to be able to do it in front of the casino staff without them knowing that you're doing it. This itself is a stumbling block to otherwise excellent counters. Team play can greatly improve the odds, and help overcome some of these problems, but that's a whole different story. Also remember, the casino can kick you out if they think you're counting, and that's no fun at all!
  4. Sports Betting. As with live poker this is a game of skill. There are professional sports betters who make a good living. They live, sleep, eat, and breath sports betting. They don't just know sports, they know the sports book system. Becoming a great sport bettor is like becoming a great stock trader, and few achieve greatness.
  5. Craps. Bring this subject up in a group of serious gamblers and you'll get several different opinions and maybe a lively argument. Craps is one game where the casino has only a small advantage, in some cases under 1%. Some people claim that by arranging the dice in a particular way, and throwing them so they will land and roll without turning sideways, they can have a small influence on the outcome of the roll and therefore influence the success of their bets. They say, correctly, that the casino's advantage is so small they would only need to successfully influence the dice once in many rolls for their strategy to work. This is known by several names, 'controlled rolling', 'precision shooting', 'dice setting', etc.
    Is this 'real' or folly? I can only give you my opinion, and my personal experience. Short story, I've seen it done and it's real. The longer story is to ask; what does it take to achieve this level of dice control? And, can the average person do it? I've read the books, joined the web forums, and attended the classes where I received instruction. I personally don't have the skill required. However, as I said, I've seen it done.My bottom line assessment. Have you ever seen Tiger Woods do tricks with the golf ball? He'll bounce the ball in the air 20 times off a wedge, then hit it in the air, and put it on the green. He can also drive the ball about 350 yards with accuracy. Can you do either of these feats? How much practice would it take? How much skill? I rest my case. For further research visit http://www.dicesetter.com/

In Conclusion

For the typical gambler, your logical choice of advantage games is Video Poker. It's the one game where any average person can, with study and practice, become good enough to have a small edge over the house.

If you enjoy slots or video poker already then it's a natural for you. If you really don't enjoy it you'll need to find games that you do enjoy, with only a slight casino advantage. Gambling 101 addresses this. And don't forget comps! they enter the picture as well.

So you want to learn Video Poker? Here's a recommended study list:

  • http://wizardofodds.com/videopoker This is a good starting place on the web for VP and most other games
  • Frugal Video Poker - book and software by Jean Scott. HIGHLY recommended. If you buy only one VP resource this is the one to get. http://queenofcomps.com/
  • Bob Dancer Presents WinPoker version 6.0 (training software for your computer
  • vpFREE is a Yahoo group, and one of the best sources of free video poker information on the web. I link to their database for all my state by state casino reviews in this web site. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vpFREE/
  • http://www.advantageplayer.com/videopoker/index.html Advantage Player web site, a great general resource for advantage play of all kinds
  • http://www.vpinsider.com/ This is a pay site, but has some good free stuff too. I was a paying member for several years. If you get serious about VP it's probably a good investment for at least one year.
  • I mentioned comps above. They help offset your losses, and can turn a slight disadvantage into a break even situation. If you want to all about comps, and other ways to get the most out of a casino, then read two books by Jean Scott. The Frugal Gambler, and More Frugal Gambling.

Slot machines that you can actually beat!

By Frank Scoblete

I am going to share with you some of the machines that my fellow columnist Jerry “Stickman” and I discovered to be player-favorable at certain times. What do I mean by “player-favorable”? Simply that the slots player can get a real mathematical edge over the casino if he plays these machines correctly.

Yes, these are called Advantage-Play machines and are excerpted from my book, Slots Conquest: How to Beat the Slot Machines!

Advantage Player Las Vegas

With each machine I will explain when the machine becomes favorable to the player and how much money to have in your bankroll to play the machine.

Full disclosure: Atlantic City had no advantage-play machines. However, casinos in Nevada, the Midwest and Mississippi did when we scouted these territories. Some of these machines are somewhat rare. In short, you must go to a casino and check out the floor to see if any are there. Okay, so you have to do some work!

Before I get into individual machines, first some important thoughts:

This type of advantage-slot machine is similar to progressive slot machines in the sense that something builds. It is not a jackpot dollar amount, though. Instead, something else builds. It could be coins, hats, gems, fruit or even firecrackers. It can be almost anything.

The pool of items builds when a special symbol or some combination of symbols appears on the reels. This can be one particular symbol, a combination of symbols, or even the absence of symbols sometimes called blanks or ghosts. For example, if a cherry appears in one of the nine positions that are visible on the reels, a cherry is added to the corresponding section of a pie. Each different machine has its own criteria for saving.

Once a certain combination of symbols appears or a section of the collection area is filled, a bonus is paid that is proportionate to the number of hats, gems, fruit, or whatever symbol that’s been banked. For example, a diamond is added to one of three columns corresponding to the reel that contains a diamond. When a column is filled with diamonds, a bonus of 10 credits is collected and the column is emptied.

The more things that are in the collection, the better chance the game might be positive. And I will show you which games can become positive as well as when they become positive. It will give you the best method to play them and let you know how much money you should have available once you decide to play a given advantage machine. A proper bankroll is absolutely necessary to give yourself the best chance to win.

Once you have found a game that has a positive expectation, there are certain rules you must follow to maximize your wins. Some may seem obvious, but it is amazing how quickly one can forget about discipline when one is playing and winning. The following rules for play are not suggestions—they are requirements. They must be followed if you are going to maintain an advantage.

1) Only play when you have an advantage.

This rule applies while playing any casino game. You must recognize that playing without an advantage negates any wins you might have in the short run. If the house has the edge, then you will ultimately lose your money. It is hard work to win money from a casino.

2) Have the required bankroll in your pocket.

Advantage Services Las Vegas Nv

Once you have determined that you have an advantage at a machine, you must play until you collect the bonus or jackpot. Lady Luck can be fleeting. It may take a long time before you hit the right combination to collect—but collect you must or you will have wasted your money.

3) Once a machine becomes positive, it remains positive until someone collects the bonus and then the collection is reset and the positive machine is no longer positive.

Generally, the more you play the more positive the machine becomes. Can you imagine your frustration if the following happened? You deposit the last $20 you have in your pocket (or purse) into a positive game. You play and play and you don’t collect. You play the entire $20 and still don’t collect. Grumbling, you get up from the machine; go to your room to get some more money. When you return to the machine, you find that the jackpot has been collected. It is no longer positive. By not having sufficient money in your pocket, you not only lost your chance at the bonus; you blew $20. If you left to get more money before playing, someone else may have still gotten the bonus, but it would have cost you nothing!

4) You must play until you collect the prize and if you don’t do this then you are purposely giving up your advantage.

Make sure you have enough money with you—in your pocket! This is not like playing a regular slot machine where you flee once you have started to lose a good portion of whatever your session stake is. Not on these machines. You should have the proper amount of money to assure that you win the game.

5) Quit playing when you no longer have an advantage.

If you try to build up the symbols, instead of letting the average slot player build them up, you are just a regular slot player yourself and you then will have no advantage.

6) Once you collect the bonus, verify if you still have an advantage.

There are times when you will continue to have an edge even after collecting a bonus. You should know these times on which machines. If you do not have the edge, then quit playing and move on. Most games lose the advantage once you collect the bonus; most—but not all. When you collect, look at the game. Do you still have an advantage? You will have a strong urge to continue playing—but don’t—unless the machine is still positive.

Advantage Player Las Vegas Sportsbook

Six simple rules that you must follow to assure you are playing with an edge and playing properly with that edge.

Advantage player las vegas odds

Next issue: The Machines to Play!

Advantage Player Las Vegas Golden Nugget

Frank Scoblete’s newest books are Confessions of a Wayward Catholic! and Slots Conquest. Available from Amazon.com, or at your favorite bookstore, or by mail-order by calling 1-800-944-0406. Join Frank on his web site at www.frankscoblete.com.